Frank Hurricane - Fuck Wit It High : A Mystical Gangsta’s Reflection Vol.1 (Pympstrumental) (LP)
LP Edition of 300. In a world with nothing to love, you can’t love anything that’s of this world. You need something holy. Better yet, you need something holy and spiritual. EVEN better would be something holy and spiritual that fights for righteousness instead of destruction. Well, your fuckin’ troubles are over, dude –the Holy Spiritual Gangsta Frank Hurricane is back! And he’s mystical too!But first, a story (that may or may not help): Thirteen or fourteen years ago I had an idea. I can’t remember if I was in Aaron Rosenblum’s car or Willie Lane’s, but I was in one of their cars and the idea caught on like wildfire among the three of us regardless of whose car I… Read more »