Format: lp

MV EE Alphine

MV & EE - Alpine Frequency ()

2xLP Edition of 500 Matt Valentine and Erika Elder have been cutting new synaptic pathways through brainic underbrush since before most people became capable of breathing air. That said, their albums (many of which are CDR only issues on their own Child Of Microtones imprint) often have a specific delirious blueprint, designed to shift only a certain batch of molecules and/or air into forms that translate into music. Such is not the case with Alpine Frequency. This lazily explorative 2LP set was sewn into a whole from various tattered swathes of sound, pieced together like the jeans Neil Young wore on the cover of After the Goldrush. A Spectrasound production, AF includes appearances by a vast array of MVEE enablers… Read more »

Mystical Gangsta - Frank Hurricane

Frank Hurricane - Fuck Wit It High : A Mystical Gangsta’s Reflection Vol.1 (Pympstrumental) ()

LP Edition of 300. In a world with nothing to love, you can’t love anything that’s of this world. You need something holy. Better yet, you need something holy and spiritual. EVEN better would be something holy and spiritual that fights for righteousness instead of destruction. Well, your fuckin’ troubles are over, dude –the Holy Spiritual Gangsta Frank Hurricane is back! And he’s mystical too!But first, a story (that may or may not help): Thirteen or fourteen years ago I had an idea. I can’t remember if I was in Aaron Rosenblum’s car or Willie Lane’s, but I was in one of their cars and the idea caught on like wildfire among the three of us regardless of whose car I… Read more »

Dag Stiberg, David Vanzan, Jon Wesseltoft, Virginia Genta - Det Kritiske Punkt ()

Virginia Genta, Dag Stiberg, Jon Wesseltoft, David Vanzan “Det Kritiske Punkt” LP Edition of 150 OUT OF PRINT Spine tingling free improv fire-blast from an international quartet with deep underground roots. Italian reeds player Genta and drummer Vanzan form the basis or all Jooklo aktion (Duo, Golden, Stellar, et al.). Norwegian reeds dude Stiberg and guitar/electronics manager Jon Wesseltoft also collaborate in Maranata. Together in Oslo in 2012, the quartet laid down this very hard-blown and stylish session. There are let-ups in the attack, but there aren’t many. Broken into five parts “Det Kritiske Punkt” (“The Critical Point”) surges along like an unbroken chain of climaxes. Even when one or two of the instruments start to move laterally, as though… Read more »

Daniel Bachman - Daniel Bachman : Miscellaneous Ephemera and Other Bullshit ()

LP with Download. Edition of 500 First off, the cover. Let’s make it clear — this was totally Daniel’s idea and is based on the original art for Tony Rice’s California Album (Rebel SLP-1549, 1975). Why? We cannot say exactly. The album is considered to be in Rice’s all-time top five. But so what? Who amongst us can claim to have fully plumbed the depths of Bachman’s mind? The guy is a genius and those types just have “their ways.” So shut up about the cover already. This album itself was released under the title Daniel Bachman by an English label — Lancashire and Somerset — last year. But copies evaporated like mom’s milk, so here’s a sonic jug from… Read more »

Palberta - Shitheads In The Ditch ()

Palberta “Shitheads In The Ditch” LP / Insert / Free Download Edition Of 300 Another great album by this Hudson Valley trio (again, first issued as a cassette by OSR), continuing their plunge into the ocean of post-punk readymaids. Palberta’s sound collages together many of the greatest female outfits of the classic Rough Trade era (Kleenex to Raincoats to Modettes and onward) while retaining an after-core blurtage that can momentarily call to mind anyone from Slant 6 to Huggybear. The trio’s own personae shine through as well — giving everything a sputzy Saturday morning cartoon quality. This requires blending naive-sounding pieces of sound-art inside extremely sophisto form-molds and Palberta manage to pull this trick off seamlessly (whether by design or… Read more »

(New England) Patriots, Palberta - Special Worship ( / )

Palberta / (New England) Patriots “Special Worship” 12″ 45rpm / Insert / Download / Numbered SECOND PRESSING – CLEAR VINYL – Edition of 100 OUT OF PRINT FIRST PRESSING – OUT OF PRINT! Edition of 250 Released to coincide with a tour shared by these two monsters of the uncharted North, Special Worship is only the second vinyl dab by Boston’s (NE) Pats, and the first wax by the Hudson Valley’s Palberta. The (NE) Pats revel in squealing feedback, raunchy spuzz-riffs and mutable vocals that make me think of a cross between the Cows and some weird Texas just pre-core punk bands whose named I can’t recall. Rough, woozy and powerful, even though the trio sports no bassist, the (NE) Pats… Read more »

gold cosmos, joshua burkett, feeding tube records

Joshua Burkett - Gold Cosmos ()

LP Edition of 500. MYSTERY COLOR VINYL! $18 This is the third album recorded by Joshua Burkett. The first Owl Leaves Rustling was returned to life by Spirit of Orr. Its CDR follow-up, Life Less Lost, was recently retrieved by Golden Lab. Now it is time for Cold Cosmos to once again bask in the sun. Initially released in 2001, Gold Cosmos (a title I always thought sounded like a Robbie Basho bootleg) featured performances by people like Dredd Foole, Matt Valentine, Ben Chasny, Teri Morris. PG Six, Chris Corsano and Noah Wall, which was the world’s first real evidence that Burkett was not operating entirely in a vacuum. Prior to this Joshua’s work seemed quite hermetic, although those few who knew… Read more »

Grape Room Cartoon Land

Grape Room - Cartoon Land ()

Grape Room “Cartoon Land” LP with insert / download slip Edition of 350 YOGURT MAID MUSIC VIDEO by Sadie Holiday $16 Alright…Grape Room is a trio made up of Peter Nichols, Jo Miller-Gamble and Danny Bissette. This means it’s related to Great Valley and Peter’s Window, as well as a web of other screwball Brat-pop generators that only a goddamn tree farmer can actually unravel. Like some of these other projects, Grape Room uses pop gesturing to create curiously operatic narratives. This one involving a cabal of sad cartoon bears. What makes them so sad? Long winters, lack of honey and the inability to tell time. How this is crafted into a compelling story is difficult to explain, but much… Read more »

sore eros say people vhs vinyl

Sore Eros - Say People ( / )

Sore Eros “Say People” VHS/LP Edition of 100 Say People Trailer After the populist pop masterpiece that was the Connecticut River LP, Robert Robinson decided it was time to don the Sore Eros cloak once more and act difficult. Not really, but it is certainly possible to imagine something akin to that process going on in the quartet’s collective bean. Say People, is really a collective effort, put together in futs and starts over the past decade. The whole band (Adam Langellotti, Matt Jugenheimer and Jeff Morkeski, in addition to Robinson) asked various friends to send them film or video clips. A bunch of them actually came through (including folks like Gary War, Ted Lee, Justin Pizzoferrato, Sam Gas Can among… Read more »

Alvaro - Drinkin My Own Sperm ()

LP with Booklet by Brian Turner (of WFMU) and Byron Coley Edition of 800 Licensed from SQUEAKY SHOES RECORDS, GERMANY Digitized & Restoration by Jeremy Pisani Vulcher Eddie Flowers Review  BLACK VINYL! BLUE MARBLE VINYL! Beautiful reissue of the 1977 debut solo LP by Alvaro — the Chilean with the Singing Nose. Alvaro Pena-Rojas was an advertising exec who ended up living in a squat in London when he chucked his professional career to fulfill his dream of being a musician. Rooming with he-who-would-become Joe Strummer, Alvaro was a founding member of the squat’s pub-rock band, The 101’ers. After the Pistols opened for The 101’ers at the Nashville Rooms, Strummer felt like he was destined to become a punk, and founded the… Read more »