Granular / No Sound - Granular Meets No Sound At Angell St (12" / Lathe)
Granular Meets No Sound At Angell St 12″ Stereo Lathe Edition of 10. Numbered. OUT OF PRINT
Granular Meets No Sound At Angell St 12″ Stereo Lathe Edition of 10. Numbered. OUT OF PRINT
LP Edition of 500 (Co-Release with Peace & Rhythm! ) This is Teddy Fire’s second long player documenting the early ‘90s home studio sessions recorded by legendary crate digger Pablo Yglesias (aka Pablo Cuba/DJ Bongohead), with his little brother Teddy (aka Theo Wulff) singing and free-styling like the mutant child of Gary Wilson, Jad Fair, Biz Markie, and Captain Beefheart. The first slab released by Teddy, 1996’s Fluxing Headset Man (Sealed Hotel), was a mondo-bizzaro pre-pubescent basement shindig of mammoth proportions. But with interview segments, found sounds and whatnot, it vibed almost like a radio show you’d catch late at night on WFMU — weird and lo-fi, but maybe a little self-conscious. This new one, recorded when Teddy was in his… Read more »
A Quarterly Journal of Post-Rock Cultural Pluralism, edited by Byron Coley. Issue no. 5 In this issue: Ira Kaplan: SFO Super Shuttle VS Hollywood Town Car; Byron Coley & Thurston Moore: Bull Tongue column;Rej T Broth: A Field in England; Michael Hurley: The Accountant; Chris D: Alain & Romy; Alan Bishop: Another Victory for the World’s Greatest Game; Leah Singer: Louis Armstrong House; Tom Givan: Best Sellers; Marie Frankland: Big Berghain; Scott Foust:The Big Bluff; Tara Young: David Bowie live at Fort Apache; Tosh Berman: David Bowie & Scott WalkerPunched; Mats Gustafsson: Polly Bradfield Solo Violin Improvisations; Matt Krefting: Call Me Lucky;Todd Abramson: Candlewood Suites, Jersey City;Kendra Smith: Chirgilchi Collectible; Ariella Stok:Ornette Coleman‘s Funeral; Trevor Block: Compilation Albums; Samara Lubelski: Keith Connolly interview; Bruce Russel: Guy DeBordPanegyric; Barbara Manning-Vargas: Die Art Fuer Immer und Ewig; Brigid Pearson: DOOB3D; Sharon Cheslow: Dust on the Nettles; Tesco Vee: Fanzines, Bomdage, Death Threats & the FBI; Suzy Rust: Five-and-a-half… Read more »
Jack Ruby “Jack Ruby (Volume One)” LP with insert / download code Edition of 600 1st Pressing Out of Print! 2nd Pressing Available! The Village Voice Back when Thurston and I were working on our book about the New York No Wave scene, a of key mystery we hoped to unravel was the one surrounding the band Jack Ruby. I knew George Scott had been in the band, along with Chris Gray, but we were never able to nail down any hard info. Lydia Lunch and Rudolph Grey both had blazing memories of their weirdness, originality and power, but no one could turn up anything solid. Time passed, the book came out and — chuffed by the fact we’d name checked the… Read more »
12″ Tour Edition of 50. Numbered. Out Of Print. Because their debut 12” was such a marvel, Curse Purse decided revisit the format, and this time they hauled along guitarist Gary Panter for a ride in the clown car. For those who have never experienced them, Curse Purse (the basic) is a trio with Olivia Kennett on suqeedles and voice, Matt Robidoux on guitar and voice, and “Ted” Lee on drum, guitar and voice. To them, form is nothing but an obstacle to be overcome and parodied. And though he has proven himself to be a thoughtful and cunning string agent in most settings, it appears these three scalawags have subverted the approach of Mr. Panter as well. The sound… Read more »
LP Edition of 500 BANDCAMP! 200 Words: Bromp Treb – Marc Masters Artwork / Layout by Overture Most dance music cuts up time like a log saw bearing down on a tied up lady. It’s dramatic and everything, sure. But you can always tell what’s going to happen way ahead of time. What if, instead, you threw all those beats and tempos at the ceiling and then just let the pieces fall wherever? Neil Young Cloaca makes whimsical, jiggling electronics that go from dry to juicy to unintelligible and morph again & again before you even figure them out. He has a pile of mysterious black boxes that wiggle on a table, and if you see him live, you also… Read more »
CS Edition of 150 He is probably best known for guerrilla show promotions in Western Mass, and his work with “rock” units like Speedy Ortiz, Curse Purse and Graph. The Three Pieces project, however, is the first example of Matt’s compositional work. On this tape, MR leads a quintet including Andy Allen (Hollow Deck), Tom Crean (Banjo Assault), Victor Signore and Jeremy Starpoli (Squidlaunch). Using winds, keys, reeds and strings, these five play three of Matt’s written works, focused equally on place and technique. Two of the works focus on microtones, and the third is based on pitch controlled simultaneous improvisation. It’s a goddamn revelation of a tape for anyone who thinks of Matt as the noise-squirrel he so often… Read more »
LP with MP3 Download / Booklet Edition of 400 As the Lentils shift their lip-movements to the land of the rising sun (Cali), they have prepared a final kiss for the New England-based fans who have loved Luke Csehak through the many pangs of his early iterations. Half of the record is a studio recording, continuing the emotional saga begun on the Lentils’ 2014 debut LP. The music is a bit more scrambled and broken this time. The riffs are sometimes buried under more outsider confabulation than we’re used to, as though everyone is wearing big rubber boots that have just come from mucking out the stalls. It’s what you’d have to call a real Crackabaggy Sound, with all the… Read more »
LP Edition of 400. Co-Release with WeirdEar The debut LP by this Western Mass duo is a masterpiece of fractured air. The two performers are Andy Allen (from the original line-up of Guerilla Toss, among many other places) and Mia Friedman (whose collaborations apart from this include Lichen and appearances with Lauri McNamara’s Carbuncles). Previously issued as a cassette, Hobson’s Choice, is a blend of traditional and experimental approaches that alternately puts us in mind of several units inhabiting the landscape of Strange Maine over the last decade, and the animated ’30s cartoons of Max Fleischer. And Hollow Deck have a unique way of quivering between their two main style poles guaranteed to put hair on anyone’s chest. From its… Read more »
LP Edition of 500 with Download. OUT OF PRINT Before releasing You Think You Really Know Me in 1977, Gary Wilson released his first album as the leader of a jazz trio. Playing both bass and piano, Gary cut four tracks with his band that have lain pretty far out of the public’s reach for the last 42 years. But Feeding Tube is dedicated to presenting the key works of the Lord of Endicott, so we are delighted to present you with Another Galaxy. The title track is something approaching a lost spirit-jazz classic. You could dig your little paws through a lot fo crates before you found its equal. The other pieces head in a direction designed to evoke… Read more »