
Donkey No No - 6.13.17 ( / )

Edition of 20. Numbered.  12″ lathe. Out Of Print Unlike some of their more deviously zoned sessions, this recording catches Donkey No No in a reflective and ruralist mood. Omeed’s guitars, Jen’s violin, and Ted’s bowed cymbal all sound like something Bob Dylan would have listened to as a way of negating a bad hangover while on the Rolling Thunder tour. Notes and drones are carefully placed, allowing lots of breathing room to exist on their margins. Probably so that Bob’s head can stop its throbbing. And one can easily imagine, Dylan, sitting on the commode, slowly chewing on an Egg McMuffin, while he awaits the arrival of his poop de jour, wondering what it would sound like if Bruce… Read more »

Tarp + Arkm Foam - Do Synthesizers Draw Electronic Sheep? ( / )

Reissue of a cassette we recorded live, dubbed and gave away to the attendees of Joshua Burkett & Conrad Capistran’s “Do Synthesizers Draw Electronic Sheep?” show at Rozz Tox Art. Pro-Dubbed , Hand Stamped Cassettes. Edition of 50.   CASSETTE VERSION       CDr VERSION  Edition of 50.    

Lords Of Thyme - The Future Of Things Past ()

LP Edition of 400. No Download code included.  Co-Release With Shagrat Records I have learned over the years that when Nigel Cross (founder of Bucketfull of Brains fanzine and the Shagrat label) speaks, it’s worth paying attention. Thus, when he began telling us about this great UK quartet, we sat up straight. His descriptions of their action, name-checking Joe Boyd’s Witchseason Productions, Shelagh McDonald’s debut LP and much else inspired unbridled longing. The Lords cut a 7” and a couple of CDs for the elusive Sunstone label, but Nigel managed to get them to agree to putting together this odds ‘n sods collection for American consumption. The process of getting this record together ran into every mess you can imagine… Read more »

Curse Purse - Tyfus ()

7″ Edition of 150. Numbered.    Cover by Dennis Tyfus Although this record is purported to be the goodbye kiss from Curse Purse, we have also heard that Gary Panter (the King of the Hippies) has hidden away some secret tapes of the band which may some day see the light of wicked dawn. But for now, this is “it” from Mr. Panter’s favorite trio. And hey, they had a good run, especially considering they were something like an off-shoot of Egg Eggs (that most baroque of all dither-rock units) even if not all of them ever appear on the same Egg Eggs release. But during their run, they really sorta fucked god where he lived. The combination of Miss… Read more »

chik white - stranger calls to land ()

LP with download.  Edition of 250 OUT OF PRINT TINY MIX TAPES REVIEW! Vulcher Review by Eddie Flowers Over the past few years, we started hearing solo jaw harp cassettes by a Canadian musician who called himself chik white. Some of them were straight-forward somewhat-folky blasts of righteousness, others used studio effects to emphasize the psychedelic qualities of the instrument (or so it seemed), and others were nature-based explorations of the jaw harp’s drone possibilities. Heard individually they were striking, but listened to as a group, they went way beyond that. We got in touch with chik (the soubriquet for Darcy Spidle when he’s playing in this format) and suggested doing an LP that would provide a thorough overview of the… Read more »

Jean-Baptiste Favory - Things Under: Organic Compositions for Guitars and Electronics ()

LP Edition of 300. Youtube Excerpt Dusted Because we are heathens, we first heard about J-B Favory when we reissued Los Lichis’s incredible 2LP set, Dog (FTR 229). Favory was the one non-Mexican member of the ensemble, traveling once a year (or so) to collude with the insane artists of Los Lichis. Had we been less dim, we would have known Favory was an avant composer of note, having served as an assistant to Luc Ferrari and Gavin Bryars, before setting off on his own musique concrete path. He is also the co-host of the longest-running experimental music radio show, Epsilonia (on the anarchist Radio Libertaire), and a guy whose recordings are well loved by fanciers of the avant. That… Read more »

Niko Karlsson - Valosta Valoon ()

LP Edition of 300. Dusted  Still-Single The Answer Is In The Beat Viewed from the American sub-underground (aka our headquarters), the Finnish scene always looks like a haven of freaks. Surely there are lots of dull rock, pop and rap outfits from this chilly and heavily forested country, but they don’t get exported, so we don’t have to hear them. The Finnish bands we’ve known and loved are psych, prog, hardcore, free jazz, and post-form monsters of all shapes and sizes. A new name to add to the list of Deadly Finns (thanks, Eno) is Niko Karlsson. Well, not entirely new. He had a few very good and different bands called Navigations, Orange Hora and Altaat (all of whom have recordings… Read more »

Men & Volts - A Giraffe Is Listening to the Radio ()

LP Edition of 300. Men & Volts was one of Boston’s great bands, and I was sorry to see them fold up their tent in 1993. I had always known they started as a combo dedicated to playing the music of Capt. Beefheart & the Magic Band, but I was not in Beantown during this era, and thus missed the few shows they played in their original format. Over the years I have bugged David Greenberger (who I knew through his work with The Duplex Planet, etc.) about tapes of this material, but he always claimed it was not really up to snuff. Eventually, however, I wore him down and he turned over various audio recordings of Men & Volts… Read more »

Manas - III ()

LP Edition of 300 Cover Art by Bill Nace Still Single Review OUT OF PRINT Unlike World War 3 II, which referred to the second album by that thuggish UK band, or Manfred Mann’s Chapter III, which referred to the third outfit led by Mr. Mann, Manas III is neither the third album by Manas, nor the third iteration of the band. Rather, it refers to the number of participants on the second album by this spectacular Asheville NC unit, previously known primarily as a duo. The two main actors in question are guitarist, Tashi Dorji, and drummer Thom Nguyen. Tashi’s earliest recordings were largely acoustic abstractions, lauded by everyone from Ben Chasny to William “Bill” Nace. Thom’s drumming has… Read more »

Tarp - Tarp ()

LP Edition of 300 In the world we inhabit (the world of the underground), one of the easiest ways to categorize people who fall into our gutter is by analyzing their motives and history. Viewed by this light, people are either lifers or careerist fucks; dedicated to the cause now and forever, or stupid moths attracted to the occasional flashes of light that emanate from the pit. By this measure (and all others), Tarp are lifers. The duo, Conrad Capistran and Joshua Burkett (look up their glorious histories on line), began early in the century, during the ascendance of the plumbers’ crack noise revolution. But even then, they didn’t feel compelled to show their butts to the audience. They’d just… Read more »