Format: lp

Blanche Blanche Blanche - Our Place

Blanche Blanche Blanche - Our Place ()

Blanche Blanche Blanche “Our Place” LP Edition of 400 OUT OF PRINT!  Music Overall Music Video Tiny Mix Tapes Review No effects, EQ or noise reduction were used in the making of this album, the fifth by this fantastic Brattleboro duo (make sure you grab their first 7″ single, also out on Feeding Tube). Sarah Smith and Zach Phillips (AKA Bruce Hart, Jordan Piper Philips, Nals Goring, etc.) assemble mostly keyboard-oriented skeletal pop gems from the softest imaginable bones. Sarah Smith sings like a torchier version of the Young Marble Giants’ Allison Stratton singing lost fragments from the Randy Newman Songbook. Smith’s guitar playing seems effortless but planned out with a true heart. It’s an incredible combination that always pulls… Read more »

Blanche Blanche Blanche - 2wice 2wins

Blanche Blanche Blanche - 2wice 2wins ()

Blanche Blanche Blanche “2wice 2wins” LP Edition of 200 OUT OF PRINT! Brattleboro’s Sarah Smith and Zach Phillips have dropped another absolute bomb. The music here is so good, we couldn’t resist releasing it on vinyl, even though the Our Place LP was already in production. Exquisite songcraft, cunningly rhythmic arrangements and Sarah’s lilting vocals give the songs here a deceiving lightness, almost like a 21st Century Gilberto/Jobim collaboration. The more you play it, the deeper it will cut. A perfect record for summer, with an engraved B-side, courtesy of the youngest members of Team Feeding Tube – Addie C. and Coco M. Also available as half of cassette split with Bruce Hart on BBB’s home label OSR Tapes. No… Read more »

Egg, Eggs - Cleansing Power of Fruit

Egg, Eggs - Cleansing Power of Fruit ()

LP Edition of 500 BLOG TO COMM REVIEW Despite Matt Krefting’s resistance to all things fruity, there is little doubt that these friendly non-mineral, non-animal products of nature have the capacity to flush positions through our internal trails far better than ‘most anything else. Especially eggs. Still, it is an egg that remains Dave “Mr. E. Candy” Russell’s muse as he fumbles his way through a vocal universe that is collapsing around his French ears. Something like cross between Crocus Behemoth, Little Lulu and Colonel Bruce Hampton, Russell is on fire here. His vocals emerging from fruit-caked lips as though they were pearls shot from the buttocks of an all-seeing vizier. What Russell does exactly is hard to say, but… Read more »

Justice Yeldham - Popped in the head all the time now

Justice Yeldham - Popped In The Head All The Time Now ( / )

12″ (45rpm) Edition of 300 Justice Yeldham is the performing handle of Lucas Abela of Sydney, Australia. For the last five or so years, Justice has taken Iggy Pop’s early ‘70s experiments with glass-as-instrument to whole new vistas of bloody ruin. Where the Ig saw glass as something merely to shatter and slash with (rendering old Ben Franklin’s experiements with his “Amonica” quaint in the process), Justice uses shatterage as the capstone to a whole new quasi-musical way of life. Yeldham takes salvaged sheets of glass and contact mics them, runs them through electronics, and blows the ever loving shit out of them. Someone described him as “a trumpet player trapped in a two dimensional universe” (to parse this reference,… Read more »

Caught On Tape - OUT OF PRINT

Caught On Tape, John Moloney, Thurston Moore - Caught On Tape ()

First Pressing – Edition of 133  Second Pressing – Edition of 1000 Artwork by Raymond Pettibon Label Art by Emma Kohlmann OUT OF PRINT!  And the blonde, as they say, shall lead the blind. Recorded at a variety of gigs during a tour of Europe in the spring of 2012,Caught On Tape documents an autodidact improv summit nearly without peer. Thurston Moore, the self-taught Connecticut guitarist for the Coachmen, Male Slut, Dapper, Wylde Ratttz, Dim Stars, Northampton Wools, Bark Haze, Pillow Wand, Diskaholics Anonymous, Society’s Ills, The Dream Aktion Unit and several other combos, is in full unhinged blaze-mode here. His companion, notable son of the chowder mills,John Moloney (Sunburned, Shit Spangled Banner, Egg Eggs, etc.), rifles through his drum kit frantically, as though he was trying to destroy a rainbow with hammers. The blend is totally berserk. While… Read more »

Sports - The Smell of Rot

Sports - The Smell of Rot ()

LP / Edition of 500 Super dark vox, synth and drum machine jams from Maine’s Clare Hubbard, who also records as the chill-volk songstress, Caethua. She is also part of the Ancestral Diet duo and a sometime member of free improv unit (D)(B)(H). With Sports, Ms. Hubbard evokes a deep Midwest-style fem-noise-vibe, boogieing through the graveyard with her shovel and lantern. This is Sports’ first LP, heralding a new era of bleak ecstasy.  

Ambergris - Anti-matter alma mater

Ambergris - Anti-Matter Alma Mater ()

Edition of 300 Vinylization of the superb oddball cassette originally issued by the Potlatch I Gather Tapes label in 2008. Ambergris is more or less the solo project of visual artist, Matthew Thurber (1-800 MICE, etc.), although he is aided in this instance by Rebecca Bird. The suite of songs presented here is something like a theatrical recreation of one of Thurber’s bizarro world comics. Using voices, Casio, various Garage Band inventions and his own surreal imagination, Thurber takes us to a 10,000 year class reunion of the students of a space/art/science academy, from which our hero may have been physically expelled some millenia earlier. The first side focuses on the storyline, with music taking an incidental role. Something like… Read more »

Gary Wilson - Forgotten Lovers

Gary Wilson - Forgotten Lovers ()

LP Edition of 1000 OUT OF PRINT New York Surf! First vinyl issue of this collection of rare and unreleased material by one of the most iconoclastic musicians produced by the 1970s. Wilson’s 1977 LP, “You Think You Really Know Me”, is a classic of alternate-universe lounge-wave, and has been cited as choice by everyone from the Residents to Beck Hansen. “Forgotten Lovers” includes unreleased studio tracks from the same period, subsequent single tracks, as well as samples of Wilson’s pre-“You Think You Really Know Me” records (a single and an album) which were more in a porn-soundtrack-jazz-funk vein. Gary has reanimated his career in the last decade, and we raise our hats to him for doing so, but his… Read more »

Happy Jawbone Family Band - Okay Midnight, You Win

Happy Jawbone Family Band - Okay Midnight, You Win ( / )

LP / CD Edition of 1000 Book Of Fire CD: LP: The second LP (fifth album) by this Vermont / Colorado quintet finds them traipsing ever deeper into the kind of mythic American territory we usually associate with bands who view our landscape from far outside it’s windows. Think of Australia’s Triffids or New Zealand’s Renderers and cross their brilliant Southern Hemisphere inventions with truths only wrenchable from the heart of the beast. There’s a genuine ruralist hoot factor here so smooth that it hits like a ton of silk, but there’s enough killbilly undertow to keep everyone standing nervously around that jug of magic moonshine.