Format: lp

Guerilla Toss - Jeffrey Johnson - Out Of Print

Guerilla Toss - Jeffrey Johnson ( / )

LP REPRESS. Edition of 500 in five different colors: Transparent Purple, Transparent Red, Clear, Clear Beer, Transparent Blue Debut LP session by a young Boston-based quintet who hit with all the Dionysian power of a young Harry Pussy, squared and electronified. Kassie Carlson’s vocals have all the upper register urgency once manifested by the great Adris Hoyos, and her bandmates manage to create large stugs of post-punk-angularity, overlaid with truly dithersome electronics. The result is one of the first transcendent post-no-wave records of our era. Live, Guerilla Toss create an amazing and beautiful disruption of all known truth-fields. They function at a level of pure discordian creation so pure it is guaranteed to melt all but the stoniest witnesses to its… Read more »

Chris Weisman - Play Sharp To Me ()

LP with Download Code Edition of 500 Bandcamp $19 Tired of being pegged as “the Beatle of Brat,” Chris Weisman has changed gears without shifting his focus, creating a masterpiece of multi-origin pop in the process. Lyrically, the tunes on Play Sharp to Me (title nicked from James Joyce), retain their New England underground tang, rolling localisms like barrels of sweet maple syrup between the trees of heavily forested hillocks. But the sonics utilize various swathes of strange sunshine to create a unique tapestry. We’ve encountered Chris using late ’60s Beach Boys textures before, but on Play Sharp he adds something that’s weirdly jazzy and lazy, as though that first Ben Sidran album on Capitol was an ode to surrealist… Read more »

Donkey No No - Dream Away Lodge ()

LP Edition of 106. Numbered. OUT OF PRINT!  Unless I am very confused, this is the “trade” reissue of what was formerly a lacquer-only LP released in an edition of five, recorded live at the Dream Away Lodge. Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but Donkey No No is a trio with guitarist Omeed Goodarzi, violin/electronics goddess Jen Gelineau, and cymbal bower Edward “Ted” Lee. Some would also count the metal donkey they carry around with them as a “member,” but I will not stoop to such levels. The trio is bent on an improv-only approach to playing, and their previous cassettes have been about as cautiously wrought as junk pile. This new album, however, possesses a real sense of… Read more »

The Music Of Mel Croucher and Automata U.K. Ltd - Pimania Vol.2 Remasters ()

LP Edition of 400. Six years after the release of Mel Croucher’s Pimania LP, we convinced Mel to sift through the detritus left over from that magnum opus, and blast the leftovers to us. The first Pimania album collected a pantload of insane electronics related to an early ’80s video game. Synth burbles, lonesome guitar lines, and curiously off-color lyrics blended together in a way that was not quite like anything else on this planet. It was like reaching into the subconscious of gamers-turned-musicians and projecting the results onto a big screen. In Mel’s words, “This album is the companion piece to the 2010 vinyl extravaganza from Feeding Tube Records. It contains the remaining tracks released by the first British… Read more »

Egg, Eggs -  Little Sickie : First Signs Of Infection ()

LP Edition of 200 Numbered. Hand Stamped. The a-side is a live recording of a very special Turners Falls performance, at which singer David Russell literally “called it in.” On Skype. Many audience members remarked how much more relaxing (not to mention relaxed) the band seemed without Mr. Russell in their midst. And that may or may not be, but this here is definite sonic evidence that the band played real well without David’s physical hectoring. Lauri McNamara also calls in her electronic rinkery, but the rest of ’em — Ted, Scott, Sophie, Jen and Brett — provide a wiggling backdrop of nudist/dada minimalism. Shorn of all clothes, the four played in semi-darkness on an array of gadgets that would… Read more »

Big Neck Police - Don’t Eat My Friends ()

LP with Download Code / Edition of 300 CASSETTE JOINT RELEASE by Ramp Local Big Neck Police is a Brooklyn/Philadelphia based rock band made up of Mac Kelly, Hugo Stanley, and Paco Cathcart. A loud, caustic “power-trio” with little going on in the way of effects (“texture”), Hugo (drums), Mac (bass), and Paco (gtr) find their peculiar dynamism instead in the subversion of the punk orthodoxies they appear to revel in- specifically, through improvisation. Song structure in general is often described as a series of “parts”. Big Neck Police music is, rather, a series of open-ended gestures. Bands sometimes will write in a “noise-improv” part to spice up a song — for Big Neck, every part of every song seems… Read more »

Ignatz - The Drain ()

LP Edition of 500 Co-Joined by Kraak $19 For the last decade, Belgian guitarist Bram Devens has been releasing solo recordings under the name Ignatz. A couple of cassettes have come out in the States, but most of his releases have been elusive imports. Thus, we have taken it upon ourselves to do a public service and release a domestic version of an LP that will appear on the (K-RAAK-K) label in Belgium. This must be something like the sixth or seventh studio album Ignatz has cut, and it’s a remarkably solid slab of mysto-folk/blues invention. There are more vocals than noted on previous Ignatz slabs we’ve encountered, and they manage to remind us of everyone from early Townes Van… Read more »

Elliott Schwartz & Big Blood - Ant Farm ()

LP Edition of 300. Numbered. OUT OF PRINT. Bandcamp  An incredible album of music, conjoining two different sonic aspects of Maine’s Strangeness. Big Blood are well known to fanciers of contemporary sub-underground sounds. The duo of Colleen Kinsella and Caleb Mulkerin have been conjuring up rural-experimental ghosts for over a decade. Feeding Tube has previously released their double LP set, Radio Valkyrie (FTR 103) to rapturous acclaim. Their music embodies the mysteries of the deep woods better than any othe artist we can name. Elliott Schwartz, meanwhile, has been composing and playing brilliant (often keyboard based) music for decades. His 1973 duo album with saxophonist Marion Brown (released by Bowdoin College, where he has been based for many years), is often… Read more »

Teddy Fire & Iguid Fidd - Chasity Revolution & Submachine Girl ()

LP Edition of  500 (Co-Release with Peace & Rhythm! ) This is Teddy Fire’s second long player documenting the early ‘90s home studio sessions recorded by legendary crate digger Pablo Yglesias (aka Pablo Cuba/DJ Bongohead), with his little brother Teddy (aka Theo Wulff) singing and free-styling like the mutant child of Gary Wilson, Jad Fair, Biz Markie, and Captain Beefheart. The first slab released by Teddy, 1996’s Fluxing Headset Man (Sealed Hotel), was a mondo-bizzaro pre-pubescent basement shindig of mammoth proportions. But with interview segments, found sounds and whatnot, it vibed almost like a radio show you’d catch late at night on WFMU — weird and lo-fi, but maybe a little self-conscious. This new one, recorded when Teddy was in his… Read more »

Jack Ruby - Jack Ruby LP1 - No Wave

Jack Ruby - JACK RUBY (LP1) ()

Jack Ruby “Jack Ruby (Volume One)” LP with insert / download code Edition of 600 1st Pressing Out of Print! 2nd Pressing Available! The Village Voice Back when Thurston and I were working on our book about the New York No Wave scene, a of key mystery we hoped to unravel was the one surrounding the band Jack Ruby. I knew George Scott had been in the band, along with Chris Gray, but we were never able to nail down any hard info. Lydia Lunch and Rudolph Grey both had blazing memories of their weirdness, originality and power, but no one could turn up anything solid. Time passed, the book came out and — chuffed by the fact we’d name checked the… Read more »