Format: lp

Nina Ryser - I Hope All Of Your Dreams Come True ()

LP Edition of 300 $18 This the vinylization of the fourth solo album (originally released on cassette by Ramp Local) by Nina Ryser, she of the trio, Palberta. Palberta’s releases have all been quite amazing — ragged bags filled with musical lumps of the finest kind imaginable. Comparisons have been drawn (and quite rightly) between Palberta and units ranging from Kleenex to Aunt Sally the Raincoats, so anticipation for this new album was kite-high and rising. I Hope All Of Your Dreams Come True veers from the rockist traits Palberta sometimes displays to a sound far more personal, electronics-spattered and specifically warped, momentarily reminding this listener of individual post-X Ray Spex projects by both Poly Styrene and Lora Logic. The… Read more »

Meadow House - This Should Not Be Happening ()

LP Edition of 200. Wire Review by Tristan Bath OUT OF PRINT! Bandcamp I first heard of Dan Wilson (the fellow behind Meadow House, Radionics Radio and a quarter of post-electronics quartet Oscillatorial Binnage) back in 2005 when a friend turned me on to his brilliant radio programs on London’s Resonance 104.4 FM. These shows chronicle the misadventures of a hermetic renaissance man who leaves cassettes full of his home recorded “songs” scattered around the city like litter (a practice known as “tape dropping”). You might find such a tape wrapped in a suicide note, or on a toilet seat in a public restroom or the floor of a subway train. Wilson’s compositions from this period, which were performed on… Read more »

The Weeny Man LP

The Weeny Man - The Weeny Man LP ()

Edition of 500. $22 Here we have a collection of recordings culled from multiple tapes, all displaying the antics of little girls and what they do with tape recorders. Featuring creepy religious songs, surrealist commercials about giant feet, radio shows about committing sex acts with stuffed animals, and on and on. Compiled by Skot Spear (Id M Theft Able). Comes in a deluxe gatefold sleeve with artwork by Michael Connor  

Sea Moss - Bidet Dreaming ()

LP Edition of 250 Co-Released with Crash Symbols. OUT OF PRINT First LP by this rather berserk Portland Oregon duo, made up of vocalist/electronics-scrambler Noa Ver and drummer/electronics-scamperer Zach D’Agostino. Our experience with Portland music had led us to believe it often has a mellow and/or gentle edge, but Sea Moss offer none of that. Their raucous, face-to-face approach to duo dynamism is as weirdly aggressive as anything that’s ever come out the dag end of Brooklyn or Providence, and that’s saying something.  Using homemade electronic devices that generate vast heaps of splutter and careenage, employing a percussive technique that would make Fred Flintstone proud, and singing into a microphone that makes everything sound like someone howling curses through an… Read more »

OUT OF PRINT - Flaming Dragons Of Middle Earth - Seed Of Contempt

Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth - The Seed Of Contempt ()

Flaming Of Dragons of Middle Earth “Seed Of Contempt” LP Edition of 500  Bandcamp OUT OF PRINT The music ranges from Wasa Wasa-style destructo blues as played by The Familiar Ugly through odd piano/vocals tracks ala Richard Youngs’ “Advent”, brokedown folk with weeping brass, unaccompanied vocal rants and wonky big band jams that channel cryptic NNCK-style environments via the LA freak scene around Wild Man Fischer and weirdo LAFMS satellites like Ace & Duce and Smegma. The Seed Of Contempt goes well beyond mere real people interest: it feels like a bunch of kids mainlining everything that’s great about the wildest, freakiest rock/roll and free improvisation of the 20th century. Funny, sad, exhilarating, confusing, effortlessly out – it’s hard to believe… Read more »

Village Of Spaces - Shaped By Place ()

LP Edition of 300. DL Included. Artwork by Amy Moon Offerman-Sims.   Pace and Gait OUT OF PRINT Brilliant new album from Village of Spaces, a combo once described as, “Dan and his raggle taggle band of hippies” by Michael Hurley, a guy who knows about such things. The Dan in question is Dan Beckman-Moon who, along with his partner Amy Moon Offerman-Sims, is the central core of this constantly evolving, psychedelically inclined, folk juggernaut. V.O.S. has had many name variations and members in the 17 years since Dan and Amy formed this more perfect union, but all of their recordings are possessed of a singular sense of rurality and otherness. They’ve been based everywhere from Santa Cruz to New Orleans to… Read more »

MARS - N.N. End ()

LP Edition of 500. Includes insert / download code. OUT OF PRINT! Barring some miraculous discovery (never out of the question!), this is the final LP in our series of LPs documenting the music of New York’s most amazing combo of the No Wave era.  From their more-quotidian beginnings as China, whose sound was influenced by the Velvets and Television, Mars mutated and grew in a variety of nearly unchartable directions. N.N. End documents the latter, immaculate stages of the band’s destruction of song forms once and for all. The A-side captures a live show at Max’s Kansas City in July 1978. They were still playing some of the songs from the No NY compilation, which had not yet been… Read more »

Ancient Pools - Cosine ()

LP Edition of 300 Co-Released with Forged Artifacts $20 Shimmering dream pop readymades are the heart of Cosine, the debut release by Ancient Pools (originally a cassette, and  now an LP.Ancient Pools are a duo (Anna Jeter and Kevin Christopher), recently relocated from Olympia Washington to Portland Oregon, where Kevin was offered a good set-up at a new studio. Anna is from Pensacola, FL, where she was in a folk-tinged pop band called 100 Watt Horse. Kevin remains the bassist for a more rockist Northwest quartet called Oh, Rose. But Ancient Pools, with its intimate, electronics-dappled approach to minimalist poptones is a whole different thing. The songs began gestation after Anna exiled herself to the woods of North Carolina for… Read more »

Knight Howls - Knight Howls ( / )

12″ (45rpm) Edition of 200. with Download Code $18 Love undertakes new challenges heroically. Open minds and hearts, mixed with inscrutable aesthetic lexicons, can make for a magnificent experience. To wit: Knight Howls, the duo of Frank Hurricane and ARKM Foam, two unpredictable kindred spirits wholly idiosyncratic in their approach to sound, music, and whatever might live in between and beyond those things.  But yeah, what exactly is this Knight Howls record?  It’s a funhouse just daring you not to understand it. There are howls, murky breaths, holy psychedelic threats of violence, inexplicable chants, enigmatic field recordings of outdoor activities, and plenty of raw, weird thoughts. There’s a perverse narrative, I think, but far be it from me to figure… Read more »

Sunflare - ON ()

2xLP Edition of 300 (125 in Color Vinyl) With Download Slip.  Bandcamp. Co-Released with Cardinal Fuzz BLACKL VINYL – OUT OF PRINT! COLOR VINYL –  OUT OF PRINT! After three previous releases of brain frying high volume pedal to the metal freak-outs Sunflare are at last back to bring some serious brain buzzing primitive punk scorch to a prevailing M.O.R. psych scene in need of some serious face melting. Hailing from Lisboa, Portugal – Sunflare are a scorchin’ power trio specialising in High Energy Psychedelic Speed Freak wipe outs. ON is here to fry minds and with a driving rhythm section that brings new meaning to the word relentless and a guitar player that is perpetually free form feedback soloing… Read more »