Curse Purse - Curse Purse (12" / Cassette)
Curse Purse “Curse Purse” 12″ (Single Sided) Edition of 100 OUT OF PRINT! Curse Purse “Curse Purse” CS Edition of 50 OUT OF PRINT! MESSAGE CP IMPOSE TINY MIX TAPES Ostensibly a record for their recent European/Imapean/Wereallapean Tour, this three song document remains the first tangible evidence of the miracle trio that is Curse Purse (or, as locals call them, “Cuss Puss”). Olivia and Ted from Egg Eggs are joined by Matt (formerly of Speedy Ortiz), and the rumpus they conjure up is estimable. There are semblance of song-form at times, but this is not the bland cut-and-paste-merch-aktion of most combos. CP take the basic outline of a musical event and run with it. The feel of this can be… Read more »