
The Cherry Blossoms - Stars Of Tennessee ()

LP Edition of 500.  Bandcamp.  $23 Well into the third decade of their existence as a musical juggernaut, a new (or at least semi-new) quartet iteration of Nashville’s most aggressively shambolic band, The Cherry Blossoms, has recorded this dandy taster of a new LP. And Feeding Tube is tickled pink to bring it to you. Surreal ruralists of the highest order, this version of the Blossoms includes long-time collaborator, Josephine Foster, as a card-carrying member. Josephine has been colluding with the Blossoms for many years, and while most of their meets were live shows that exist only in the memories of those who have witnessed them, some documentation exists in the form of the Mystery Meet LP (FTR511). On Stars… Read more »

Dietrichs - Catch the Leaves ()

LP Edition of 100. $25 Lovely limited vinylization of the fantastic set performed by this father/daughter duo on June 25, 2022. Beautifully recorded by Kevin Reilly, and issued on CD through his Relative Pitch label, we could not resist reissuing the set as an LP. The music was recorded at a Feeding Tube label event held at Tubby’s in Kingston, NY, deep in the midst of the Plague Era. For a bunch of us, this show was the first time we’d been out to a club in a while so there was an a extra element of liberation stirred into the semiotic mix (not that Dietrichs’s music ever lacks liberation as its prime element). The opening sets, by Magnificent Pussies… Read more »

MX-80 Sound - Better Than Life ()

LP Edition of 500. bandcamp  $21 MX-80 Sound are one of the foundational underground rock bands of the last half century. Formed in the university town of Bloomington IN in 1974, the original version came about when Bruce Anderson and Dale Sophiea (from Screaming Gypsy Bandits) teamed up with Rich Stim and Dave Mahoney (from Chinaboise), adding another couple of drummers for extra confusion. Things fluxxed and mutated for a while. MX-80 played the Bloomington Public Library and rehearsed a lot. They opened for Patti Smith, one drummer left and they recorded the great Big Hits EP in ’76 for local label BRBQ. Reviewed in Sounds by Carline Coons, the EP got the band a deal by which UK Island… Read more »

Wednesday Knudsen - Soft Focus Volume Two ()

  LP Edition of 250. Download included inside lp. $24 It is absolutely appropriate the second volume of Wednesday Knudsen’s Soft Focus suite appears as spring finally begins to take hold. Like the brilliant first section of this work (the whole of which was initially released on CD), the music here is a celebration of shimmering sunlight and the awakening of nature’s tonal brilliance. But where the first LP focused on more bite-sized pieces of work, this one envisions and documents instrumental horizons that are ever expanding. The first of the three tracks, “Sunshine,” is the shortest, and picks up where Volume One left off — slow single note electric piano runs with lightly buzzing sustain that are darker than… Read more »

Elkhorn - Other Worlds ()

LP Cardinal Fuzz / Feeding Tube Records in Collaboration with Deep Water Acres and in tribute to Sunrise Ocean bender records bring to you – Elkhorn ‘Other Worlds’. $22  Sam Giles Vinyl Replica CDr Edition – OUT OF STOCK Cardinal Fuzz / Feeding Tube Records in collaboration with Deep Water Acres and in tribute to Sunrise Ocean Bender Records bring to you: Elkhorn – ‘Other Worlds.’ Drew Gardner and Jesse Sheppard, the two-guitar duo of Elkhorn, share a musical brotherhood that spans several decades. From their nascent high school socialist-realist post-punk band Mayfirst, to teenage scavenger trips to the Princeton Record Exchange and City Gardens, the two came of age goofing along to the Dead Kennedys, the Butthole Surfers, and… Read more »

- E Gone – Adventures Before The Body ()

LP Co-Release with Cardinal Fuzz / Collaboration with Deep Water Acres and in tribute to Sunrise Ocean bender records $22  Sam Giles Vinyl Replica CDr Edition $12 E GONE is Daniel Westerlund from Stockholm, Sweden, and ‘Adventures Before the Body’ is his long-awaited latest excursion into cosmically earthy musical alchemy, rounding out a trilogy of albums begun in 2013 with ‘All the Suns of the Earth,’ and continuing with ‘Advice to Hill Walkers’ in 2016 (both also released by Deep Water Acres and Sunrise Ocean Bender). Musically, ‘Adventures…’ builds on its predecessors’ eclecticism and love of sonic juxtapositions—astute psychedelic guitar lines swirled together with exotic instrumentation and modal motifs, rock riffs alongside ethnic percussion and old-school beats, drones and atmospheric… Read more »

Asher White - Home Constellation Study ()

LP Co-release with Ba Da Bing Records $24 The debauchery continues. Home Constellation Study’s opening track finds Asher White stumbling and drunk on an Amtrak she has snuck onto, crooning as the train races through post-industrial east coast cities. It’s a symbolic encapsulation of Home Constellation Study’s themes and sets the scene for what follows: an irreverent tone poem on mobility, passivity, home-making, environmental collapse, God, justice, romance, and luck, all set over the kaleidoscopic, home-brewed whirlwind of styles and sounds that has become the young producer’s signature. Her third album in two years (and fifteenth overall), Home Constellation Study is less a refinement of last year’s sly, quaint New Excellent Woman.and more an explosion of it. Her meticulous chamber… Read more »

Dead Sea Apes / The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol - Eine Nacht – Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3 (3xLP Ltd Special) ( / / )

3 x LPs – OUT OF STOCK.   Single copies of Volumes available on our bandcamp. all presented in Reverse Board 3mm Outer Sleeves. Colour Vinyl Insert with each volume PLUS 12 page A4 Booklet Metallic Gold Riso Card Print Held by a thick wide spine belly band which is hand numbered   Sam Giles Gatefold 2xCDr Edition – OUT OF STOCK  On September 13th 2023 a musical collision occured between The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol and Dead Sea Apes. With a room booked and a full moon glowing, the doors were locked and for the next 120 minutes the 9 members (2xDrums, 3 Guitars (one 12 string), 2 Bass Guitars, 1 Keys/Synth and 1 Trumpet) – created nirvana/choas… Read more »

Ambassador Hazy - Leaving Here ()

LP Co-Release with Cardinal Fuzz (UK) $24 Sam Giles Vinyl Replica CDr Edition $12 Cardinal Fuzz and Feeding Tube Records are delighted to bring forth the latest hazy fried sounds of New York States Ambassador Hazy (aka Sterling Deweese) and ‘Leaving Here’ ‘Leaving Here’ is hallucinatory lightning in a bottle – It is the sound of sunny summer days passing by and old friends coming and going, and psychedelics slipping in and out of your mind in vast quantities. Each song is an acid soaked rabbit hole which sucks you in and leaves you immersed in an unusual sonic world projected before you in brilliant technicolour. Musically each song veers between bright sunshine fuzzy soaked pop and dark warping druggy-tinged… Read more »

Heffernan & Pärk - Sun Reflector ( / )

LP Co-Release with Cardinal Fuzz (UK) OUT OF PRINT Sam Giles Vinyl Replica CDr Edition $12 Sun Reflector is the debut LP collaboration by Heffernan (Ivan The tolerable, All Structures Align, King Champion Sounds, University Challenged) and Pärk (Black Tempel Pyramid, Teeth Of Glass, Kosmonaut). Sun Reflector is steeped in a haze of primitive drum machines, fanned phase and sustained scuzz-rippled guitar chimes, an ambient electronic creation with emphasis on repetitive trance-inducing rhythmic pulsations of electronic sound and subtle counterpoints that slowly unfold as the rhythmic drive marches forth utilizing the Motorik 4/4 beat with the lysergic kosmische sonic textures of Cluster. With Heffernan (bass, guitars and drones) based in the Northeast of England and Pärk (synths, drones and loops)… Read more »