12″ Lathe Edition of 25. Numbered. Bandcamp
Front/Back Loose Leaf Print Art printed at LOOKYHERE.
Artforum – Alan Licht’s Best Music of 2021
Recorded on the evening of Friday April 9, 2021, this father/daughter duo session was one of the high points of the QuaranTunes series.
Playing in what looked to be Don’s living room, both of these great improvisers brought their A games. Previously documented solely by the excellent PicaDisc CD, Dietrichs, this was my first opportunity to observe the duo live, and their interaction was electric.
Don’s sax is well known from any recordings with and without Borbetomagus, and his ability to abrade the very skin of the air is one of his more magical gifts. The breath monsters he is able to summon with his reeds have the kind of brutal beauty that haunts you long after their last echoes have faded from the room.
Camille is less well documented, but her playing was equal to Don’s in both aggression and intelligence. Dodging through openings in the sax-curtain, weaving unique castles of sonic mystery with her flying bow, Ms. Dietrich’s performance was wild, bodacious and a perfect match for her partner’s.
Amazing stuff. Can’t wait to hear more.
–Byron Coley, 2021