12″ Lathe Edition of 30. Numbered. Loose leaf (2) cover & back printed on a Riso Printer at Looky Here in Greenfield, MA
For our second Quarantunes concert, we were super excited to arrange for the great Jo Robertson to perform from her home in Glasgow. Jo had been taking it easy on her musical stuff for a while, focusing more on painting, and the word was also that she’d been playing a lot of piano. We were a little trepidatious when we asked if she’d be up for doing a solo set with just guitar, but she said, “Okay,” and there was joyful celebrating throughout Feeding Tube Tower.
Because of the time difference it was late at night for her, and she claimed she was “rusty,” but the sounds she put together were brilliant. Three of the songs played were from her incredible Black Moon Days LP (FTR 179. One, “Imperial Gold,” was a tune she’d done with Dean Blunt on his Redeemer LP. The other was a download-only track from the session for her Wildflower LP. And they were all wonderful. Her voice and guitar are a magical pairing. We can never get enough!
Rumors now swirl that she’d working on a new album or two, and we cannot wait to hear the results. But this taster will serve as a stopgap for now.
Ans we should do a call-out to Jo’s husband, Jasper, for getting the sound together and also (I think) playing a part in getting her to do the gig.
The Quarantunes series is being done in small editions, with Risographed insert covers. The extant copies are split evenly with the artist, in an attempt to get a little cash flowing to working musicians whose gigs have dried up. For the label, it’s a break-even proposition at best. But we all have to do what we can to keep the underground alive.
Stay free!
-Byron Coley, 2020