12″ Lathe. Edition of 20. Numbered.
Loose Leaf Cover + Back Art Printed at Looky Here in Greenfield, MA.
Out of print.
Documentation of the first Quarantunes concert, broadcast from Brattleboro VT on April 10, 2020. This features Dredd and his acoustic guitar at his most blues-wailingest.
There are a few great new songs, and a bunch of old faves like “Four Roses for Jack,” ‘You Feel,” and ‘Your Heart.” Even playing inside the confines of his packed record room, there is no mistaking the charged up genius of Dredd. The sound is pure emotion made tangible.
The QuaranTunes series is being done in small editions, with Risographed insert covers. The extant copies are split evenly with the artist, in an attempt to get a little cash flowing to working musicians whose gigs have dried up. For the label, it’s a break-even proposition at best. But we all have to do what we can to keep the underground alive.
Stay free!
-Byron Coley, 2020