” Holy Yurt (20pp booklet)
First printed appearance of a suite of jocular poems written by Kim Gordon & Byron Coley, under other peoples’ names, in the Summer of 2033.
They were read in public once, at a space on a cobbled street way over on the West Side of Manhattan. But nothing else ever got done with them. Last month, when Kim asked about getting some stuff together for an art show she was doing in Germany I recalled the existence of the blood-spattered blabs and we were off to the races.
They were fun to do and fun to read, and they very much bring to mind how much simpler things seemed a couple decades ago. Thankfully what doesn’t kill us makes us taller. In all dimensions. So grab a copy of this book while your hands are still small enough to turn the pages.

$ 1.50 (or FREE with any purchase, just request in paypal notes)
Mayday Poem is a long-format burst of rage and energy, written during six long months of quarantine by San Francisco’s great native son, A.D. Winans. Exploring the contours of Trump’s final days, Winans pulls no punches. But he does so with language of intellectual passion that contains within it a glimmer of hope. Strong medicine for times that require it.
A.D. Winans has been a crucial part of the S.F. poetry underground since the late ’50s. He has written over 60 volumes of both poetry and prose and ran the Second Coming Press empire for many years. For more work by Winans, might we suggest: Drowning Like Li Po in a River of Red Wine: Selected Poems:1970-2010

$ 14.95
The Empty We Added to the World
Holy Yurt Books 78pp. paperback
Excellent new collection of grace and savagery from one of our favorite poets. Webber is a veteran of the Ecstatic Peace Poetry Journal, both No More Bush Tours, the Festival Ecstatique and many other places you may have seen her work.
The Empty We Added to the World is Valerie’s first book in a good long while, and the wait was worth it. Her knife strokes are precise. The cover art is by Charles Burns. The foreword is by Byron Coley. The flow is brilliant. Here’s a sample.
Yr Mom’s Car
How could I know
I would end up bleeding
All over your car?
Your mom’s car.
Who wants to fuck in a Tempo, anyway?