Artists BANDCAMP (New England) Patriots $alami J.R. 4 Letter Words A Handful Of Dust A: Pfeffer Kwitter Abronia Aircraft Alison Cotton Alto Jeffro Alvaro Ambassador Hazy Ambergris Ancient Pools Andrea Pensado Andrew DR Abbott Andy Crespo Angela Sawyer Angered Wrecks Anla Courtis Anthony "Crystalline Roses" Pasquarosa with John "Sunburned" Moloney Anthroprophh Arkm Foam Arrington de Dionyso Asher White Asian Women on the Telephone Bang! Bros. Banny Grove Banshee Beige Belltonesuicide BeNe GeSSeRiT BHAJAN BHOY Big Blood Big Neck Police Big People Band bill bissett & Th Mandan Massacre Blanche Blanche Blanche Blood Quartet Bloodshot Bill Blue Sabbath Black Fiji Blue Shift Body/Gate/Head Body/Head Bong Wish Brett Robinson Bridge Of Flowers Bridget St. John Bromp Treb Bruce Russell Bruce Russell / Noel Meek Bryan and the Haggards Bryan Gillig Buck Gooter Bugs and Rats BULL TONGUE REVIEW Bunwinkies Burnt Envelope Byron Coley C Joynes & The Furlong Bray C. Nathan C.Spencer Yeh Casual Planes Caught On Tape Cave Bears Charles K. Noyes & Owen Maercks with Henry Kaiser and Greg Goodman Charlie McAlister chik white Chris Corsano Chris Weisman Clarinette Climax Landers Cloud Becomes Your Hand Creative Healing Cruise Whisp Crystalline Roses Currituck Co. Curse Purse Curtis Godino Curtis Godino's CVS Cycles Inside Dag Stiberg Dalthan Dalthom Damo Suzuki & The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol Dan Melchior Dan Melchior & P.G. SIX Daniel Bachman Danny Oxenberg + Bear Galvin + friends (Pillow Mt. Conspiracy) Dashpi David Fair David Vanzan De Regering Van Treffelijke Zaken Dead Girl's Party Dead Sea Apes Dead Sea Apes & Black Tempest Dead Sea Apes Adam Stone Black Tempest Delphine Dora & Jackie McDowell Delphine Dora & Sophie Cooper Devin Flynn Devin Gary & Ross Diagram A: Dial Dietrichs Dimples’ Dire Wolves Distels Divine Horsemen Don Dietrich Donkey No No Donkey No No & Steve D'Agostino Double Wig Drazek Fuscaldo / Thymme Jones Drazek Fuscaldo Featuring Hamid Drake / Tatsu Aoki / Thymme Jones and Joshua Abrams Dredd Foole Dredd Foole and Ben Chasny Dredd Foole and the Din Drew Gardner Duck That DUNUMS Dustin Laurenzi Dylan Golden Aycock Eddie Flowers & the Wax-Lip-Swamp-Dub Edith Bunker's Demonized Vomit Insurance EEEE EEEEE Egg, Eggs Elkhorn Elliott Schwartz & Big Blood Empool Eric Arn Eric Arn & Jasmine Pender Eric Arn & Margaret Unknown Eugene Chadbourne Exhaustion / Wanders Eyal Maoz Farmers (Daved Hild / Roger Miller) Fat Creeps Fat Worm Of Error Faun and a Pan Flute Flaming Dragons of Middle Earth Food People Foom & Foam Footings Four Thing Frank & The Hurricanes Frank Hurricane Frank Hurricane and Hurricanes of Love Fred Lane and his Disheveled Monkeybiters Free Pizza G. Jamie Gary Panter Gary War Gary Wilson Gary Wilson & Tredici Bacci Gaute Granli Gland Pageant Glenn Phillips Granular Grape Room Grass Path Great Valley Greg & Ted Gregg Turner Grey Skull Gross Guerilla Toss Gunslingers Happy Jawbone Family Band Heffernan & Pärk Hermione Johnson & Stefan Neville Hi Sheriffs of Blue Hollow Deck Home Body Hôpital De La Conception Horse Boys Human Adult Band Human Hand Hurricanes of Love Ian McColm id m theft able Idea Fire Company Ignatz iji Isasa Iván Fariñas & Viento Solar Jack Ruby Jackie-O Motherfucker Jan Van Den Dobbelsteen Jane La Onda Jantar Jean-Baptiste Favory Jee Jee Band Jef Mertens Jeff Tobis Jeffrey Alexander Jenifer Gelineau Jeremy Waun Jerman Barnes Jesus Vio Jeugdbrand Jim Sauter Jim Shepard Joanne Robertson Joey Agresta John Moloney Jon Collin Jon Wesseltoft Jonny Kosmo Jordan Perry Jordan Piper Philips Joseph Allred Joseph of Kirezi Josephine Foster Joshua Abrams Joshua Burkett Julia Reidy Jurt Banch Justice Yeldham Justin Rhody Kass Richards Kassie Carlson Kid Millions Knight Howls Kohoutek Kommissar Hjuler and Mama Baer Kommissar Hjuler und Frau Kool Music KTB Kurt Vile Laminated Apes Laser Pace Lauri McNamara Lazy Magnet Leaf Peepers Les Conversions Letha Rodman Melchior Liam Grant Lili Dwight & Alison Darrow Lilith Outcome Lily Konigsberg Living Window Liz Durette lloyd Thayer lloyd Thayer & Jerome Deupree Lords Of Thyme Loren Connors Loren Connors and Suzanne Langille Los Condenados Los Lichis Los Lichis & Pakito Bolino Louise Bock LSD AIR M2 Macula Kuru Magic Tuber Stringband Mako Sica Mako Sica / Hamid Drake Mako Sica / Hamid Drake featuring Tatsu Aoki & Thymme Jones Manas Manas with N.R. Safi Marcia Bassett & Samara Lubelski Margarida Garcia Margarida Garcia & Manuel Mota Marianne Nowottny Mark Cunningham Mark Dagley MARS Mary Beach Matt Krefting Matt Robidoux Matt Sowell Matt Valentine Preserves Matthew J. Rolin Maxine Funke Mazozma MB Jones Meadow House Melted Men Men & Volts Metabolismus Mette Rasmussen / Tashi Dorji Miaux Michael Hurley Michael Morley Michael R. Bernstein Michael Zerang / Tashi Dorji Michael Zerang & Spires That In The Sunset Rise Midknight Mienakunaru Mike Watt & Charles Plymell Million Brazilians Miss Olivia Kennett Mono Pause Monocot Monoshock Moon Bros. Moonsicles Moose Mordecai More Klementines Mosquitoes Mount Maxwell Mouth Painter Mozzaleum Munehiro Narita MV & EE MX-80 Sound My Cat Is An Alien Myriam Gendron Nals Goring Naujawanan Baidar Ned Collette Ned Collette / James Rushford / Joe Talia Negative One New Parents Niko Karlsson Nina Ryser Nitro Cosmetic No Sod No Sound Nod Noise Nomads Nothing On Semble Nudge Squidfish Nudity Of Thousands Okkyung Lee Old Million Eye Omeed & The Natural Scene Omeed Goodarzi Omnivore Orchid Spangiafora Orchid Spangiafora + Glands Of External Secretion Outrageous Cherry Owen Maercks P Wits Palberta Papa Lee God papalordgod Paul Flaherty Peace Loving Pelican Movement Peter's Window PG Six PG Six & Louise Bock Phil X. Milstein Pimania Plants of the Bible Plastic Crimewave Syndicate Power Bottom Powers / Rolin Duo Prana Crafter R.A. Cantius Ralph White Reynols Rhyton Rob Noyes & Joseph Allred Robert Robinson Roger Miller rootless Rootless & Starbirthed Rusalnaia Ruth Garbus Ryan Power Salami Junior Sam Gas Can Saphron Saralee Sea Moss Sediment Club Sex Tide Sham Shane Parish and Michael Potter Sharron Kraus Shutaro Noguchi Silver Dick Size Queen Sky Furrows Sleep Bottoms Sly & The Family Drone Snaps 'n Claps Soloriens Native Unity Quartet featuring Marshall Allen Son Of Salami Sophie Cooper Sophie Dickinson Sore Eros Spielgusher Spiral Joy Band Spiral Wave Nomads Sports Spunflower State Champion Stefan Neville & Greg Malcolm STEVE BACZKOWSKI / CHRIS CORSANO / PAUL FLAHERTY Sunburned Hand Of The Man Sunflare Tarp Tarp + Arkm Foam Tashi Dorji Ted Lee Teddy Fire & Iguid Fidd Tekla Peterson Tellavision The 18th Day Of May The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol The Believers The Cherry Blossoms The Coolies The Cradle The Doozer The Electric Nature The Escalation The Floating Mountain Band The Futurians The Girls the Iditarod The Impenitents The Left Outsides The Lentils The Lloyd Pack The Magnificent Pussies The Mirrors The Music Of Mel Croucher and Automata U.K. Ltd The Myrrors The Slowest Lift The Taxidermists The Weeny Man Thee Arcadians Thurston Moore Tom Recchion Tommy Jay & The General Tomoyuki Trio tooth ache. Tracey Trance Tredici Bacci Trimdon Grange Explosion Trinary System Troposphere 7 Turner Williams Jr. Two Much Up-tight UP-TIGHT & MAKOTO KAWABATA Urochromes Vapor Gourds Various Artists Victor Herrero Video Nasties Viewer Village Of Spaces Virginia Genta Volksempfänger Wake In Fright Wampum Physics Warren Byrom Waterless Hills We Love You Wednesday Knudsen Wednesday Knudsen & Willie Lane Weeping Bong Band Wendy Eisenberg Wet Tuna White Limo William Austin Clay Willie Lane Wizard Prison World Domination Worthless Wren Kitz Yerba Mansa Zach Phillips ZEBU! ZOMES